Additional Resources

Never Pass Vehicles Stopped at a Crosswalk

Minneapolis Resources and Projects

Vision Zero - We can work together to prevent sever injuries and deaths from traffic crashes

Walking - Minneapolis has many sidewalks, trails and other great places to walk. Find out how we help you get your steps in the city.

Saint Paul Resources and Projects

Walking Saint Paul - Saint Paul Pedestrian Plan and Pedestrian Safety. Saint Paul is a walking City. We are more healthy, resilient, and connected because walking is sage and appealing for all. 

Additional References and Resources

[1] Tefft, B.C. (2011). Impact Speed and a Pedestrian’s Risk of Severe Injury or Death (Technical Report). Washington, D.C.: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. [link]
[2]  Van Houten R, Louis J.E., McCusker D. (2001). Advance Yield Markings: Reducing Motor Vehicle--Pedestrian Conflicts at Multilane Crosswalks with Uncontrolled Approach (Research Article). Halifax, N.S.: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol 1773, Issue 1, Pages 69-74  [link]
[3] Fisher D, Garay-Vega L. (2012). Advance Yield Markings and Drivers' Performance in Response to Multiuple-Threat Scenarios at Mi-Block Crosswalks (Research Article). Amherst, MA: Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol 44, Issue 1, Pages 35-41  [link]
[4] Fitzpatrick K, Schneider WH, Park ES. (2006) Operation and Safety of Right-Turn Lane Designs (Research Article). College Station, TX. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Vol 1961, Issue 1, Pages 55-64 [link]
[5]  Hatfield J, Fernandes R, Soames Job R.F., Smith, K. (2007). Misunderstanding of Right-Of-Way Rules at Various Pedestrian Crossing Types (Observational Study and Survey). Sydney, AU: Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol 39, Issue 4, Pages 833-842  [link]
[6] Mohamadi Hezaveh A, Fallah Zavareh, Cherry C, Nodjærn T. (2018). Errors and Violations in Relation to Bicyclists' Crash Risks: Development of the Bicycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (BRBQ) (Research Article). Knoxville, TN: Journal of Transport & Health. Vol 8, Pages 289-298  [link]
[7] Bambach M.R., Mitchell R.J., Grzebieta R.H., Olivier J. (2013). The Effectiveness of Helmets in Bicycle Collisions with Motor Vehicles (Cast-Control Study). New South Wales, AU: Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol 53, Pages 78-88  [link]
[8] Strotmeyer, S.J., Behr, C., Fabio, A. et al. Bike helmets prevent pediatric head injury in serious bicycle crashes with motor vehicles. Inj. Epidemiol. Vol 724 (2020).  [link]
[9]  Chong S, Poulos R, Olivier J, Watson W.L., Grzebieta R. (2010). Relative Injury Severity Among Vulnerable Non-Motorised Road Users: Comparative Analysis of Injury Arising from Bicycle-Motor Vehicle and Bicycle-Pedestrian Collisions (Research Article). New South Wales, AU: Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol 42, Issue 1, Pages 290-296  [link]
[10] Morris N.L., Craig C.M., Van Houten R. Effective Interventions to Reduce Multiple-Threat Conflicts and Improve Pedestrian Safety. Transportation Research Record. 2020;2674(5):149-159. [link]
[11] Craig C.M., Morris N.L., Van Houten R, Mayou D. Pedestrian Safety and Driver Yielding Near Public Transit Stops. Transportation Research Record. 2019;2673(1):514-523. [link 
[12] Crowley-Koch, B. J., Van Houten, R., & Lim, E. (2011). Effects of pedestrian prompts on motorist yielding at crosswalks. Journal of applied behavior analysis44(1), 121–126. [link]
[13] Craig C.M., Morris N.L., Hong Y. A Case Study on the Impact of Crosswalk Markings on Driver Yielding to Pedestrians. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. 2019;63(1):1399-1403. [link]
[14] Morris N.L. (2019). Evaluation of Sustained Enforcement, Education, and Engineering Measures on Pedestrian Crossings (Project Summary Report). Minneapolis, MN: MN Department of Transportation. [link]